Great Guides for Building Products

Great Guides for Building Products

“Build something people want” – Y Combinator

In the world of startups, success often hinges on one simple mandate: “build something people want”. This seemingly straightforward mantra is championed by Y Combinator, a guiding star for entrepreneurs worldwide aiming to create impactful products. At first glance, it sounds like common sense. However, achieving this goal is far from easy and requires careful planning and execution.

Running Lean: the lean entrepreneur’s handbook

One guide leading the charge in this endeavor is Running Lean by Ash Maurya. This book is a very practical guide for how to design, build, and launch a product that people actually want.

Its philosophy revolves around testing your ideas through real-world interaction. You begin with problem interviews, engaging with potential first customers to unearth actual pain points. This feedback becomes the foundation upon which your product is built. Rather than diving headfirst into product development, entrepreneurs are urged to validate their ideas, tweak them, and pivot when necessary. These steps ensure that the product isn’t just a fancy piece of tech, but a solution that resonates with its audience.

Superhuman’s “engine” to find product/market fit

Another vital resource is the story behind How Superhuman Built an Engine to Find Product Market Fit by Superhuman founder/CEO, Rahul Vohra.

This guide illustrates the importance of iterating your product while simultaneously discovering the right niche audience. Understanding your market is as crucial as understanding your product. Superhuman’s approach involves constant iteration and adaptation, leveraging feedback to adjust both the product and its target audience.

The secret lies in finding that perfect market-product symbiosis. The creators of Superhuman didn’t just build an email platform; they built an experience tailored to a specific, enthusiast market.

This fine-tuning process is what turns a good product into a great one. It’s not just about making something people want, but understanding who those people are and why they need what you’re offering.

Lessons for Entrepreneurs

For entrepreneurs looking to forge their path, these books offer invaluable insights. Start by identifying the real problems your potential users face, and don’t be afraid to pivot based on their feedback. Remember, building something people want is as much about knowing your audience as it is about product development. Whether you are in the initial stages with just an idea or iterating an existing product, these guides provide crucial knowledge to keep you on the track to success.